Loading Guidelines

Vehicle Loading Guidelines for Steelforce Customers

The maximum rear overhang of a rigid truck, including any load carried, is the lesser of 3.7 metres or 60% of the wheelbase, measured from the rear overhang line which is generally the centre line of the rear axle or axle group.

The overall length of a rigid truck must not exceed 12.5 metres (including any load). The overall length of a truck and trailer or prime mover and semi-trailer (including any load) must not exceed 19.0 metres.

Drivers vision must not be obstructed by overhead loads.
L4 must not exceed 1.2m from vehicle headlights.
L5 must not exceed the lessor of 60% of WB (Wheel Base) or 1.2m.
For 2 Rack Sedans / Wagons the load cannot exceed 40Kg
For 3 Rack Vehicles, Utes, small trucks etc the load cannot exceed 100Kg
Manipulation of load is not permissible i.e., Product must not bend or flex when restraining the load.
The addition of a trailer does not permit greater overhang.
The load in the trailer must be evenly distributed
L1 must be 0.3m or more from the tow-ball.
All overhanging loads at rear must have a Red flag tied to the end.
L3 must NOT be greater than L2 or greater than 3.7m.
Any Vehicle that does not meet the basic guidelines will NOT be loaded.
All Vehicles MUST comply with Steelforce Transportation Safety Book where proper restraint of loads must apply.
Chain of Responsibility for pickups includes:
- Cosigner (Sales)
- Customer
- Reciever
- Loader Driver

Disclaimer: Compliance of Chain of Responsibility will not be taken as automatic compliance, this document is a guide only for basic CoR guide lines.